Friday, July 24, 2009

Hatefull Comments + Update

Hi something now i need to address which is hatefull comments concering my sexuality and what i post and talk about on my blog.

What is wrong with people who have to send me horrible comments and threating messages saying things will happen to me just because i am gay and i fancy guys.

Some of the comments i have recieved on my Facebook,Twitter and my Blog have been disgusting and some of them are quite scary so to anyone sending comments of that nature they will be passed on plaus comments are easily deleted so watch out ok because i will not take this shit off you

Sorri for everyone who has been posting comments nicely and greatful on here and places i just wanted to address the haters.

Rant Over

In happy news i got some money and i also met a very hot guy 2 nights ago and we had dinner and played on my wii console and i am seeing him again over the weekend so very happy at the moment

chat soon david xxxx

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